Daily Challenge - April



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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shaw Grrr...

We have Shaw.

We've bundled our digital TV, Internet and Home Phone with them.

Sunday afternoon we realized that our phone wasn't working.

For how long, who knew??!

So Monday I call, lucky for me they have someone spending the day where we live on Tuesday.


Wonder when they'll get here.

They come at 11:30am Tuesday.

They change a 'no good' cable.

They leave in hopes that it'll work. They'll know in a half and hour (which is awesome since I've already dressed to dig my van out to take Emma to school! And have Dayhome kids in tow!).

1:02pm. They call.

Didn't work.

Will try to get it to. Will I be home 'longer this time??!'.


I'll keep you posted on how this goes. Hopefully it works. Or else I'll be digging a hole in my back yard.... ;P


They came.

They replaced the whole main modem that controls everything I listed above.

It worked!


Thank you Shaw!


Ashley Dawn said...

That sounds like an upgrade from Telus. They probably wouldn't believe that your phone didn't work or something stupid like that. Glad it got resolved.

JessLikesStuff said...

Yay, glad it got fixed!

Rhonda said...

Oh Mista, you are so gracious. I would have thrown them the ... never mind.

Glad it all worked. Funny how you say Dayhome in Canada and here we say Daycare. I did daycare for 20 years. I am so done.

Glad to see things are starting to smooth out with routines and all. I need to talk with you about that fun little button you designed for me.

Talk later.