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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zoë is Three!

Yes... It's 2:14am and I'm finally finding the time to blog! *L*

But how could you not when your youngest is turning three??!! 3!!!!


So I've been trying to think of what to write and ended up sidetracked by looking at Zoe's photos while growing up so far.... I've picked....



You poor, poor people! *L*

Most of you have seen these in the past... But I hadn't seen them since I last posted them (and we're talking years ago! *L*).... So here they are!

Zoë's life in a nutshell up to now!
One day Emma was napping and Zoë was trying to crawl on our bed...
Zoë LOVES her swing!
And sometimes she would love her exersaucer... Sometimes...
Olive decided to cuddle in the bassinet with Zoë during nap time...
Mommy and Zoë in her backpack thingy...
Zoë's 1st Birthday!
Zoë at the Cardston Temple Grounds August Long Weekend 2006
Zoë playing in the springtime at Great-Grandma & Grandpa's House!
Cuddle time for Daddy and Zoë
Zoë loves the hot tub at Grandma & Grandpa Zaugg's House! '06
*L* Check out that hair!
Zoë Dec. 30th '06
Zoë & Emma New Years Eve '06 (LATE night at the Cabin!)
Photo shoot with Marika (Photosmiths.ca)... '07
Some fun time with Daddy (same photo shoot) '07
Zoë's 2nd Birthday! '07
Hugs for best-non-sister-friend Jaylee! '07
Swim time The Legislative Grounds! '07
Fire Night with the 'J' Clan! '07
At the Zoo in Edmonton on the train... *L* Silly girls! '07
Playing Peek-A-Boo at the Zoo... '07
Zoë as a kitty for Halloween '07
Photo shoot with Chelsey (Rice Photography)... Lovely! '07
At West Edmonton Mall with Mommy!
Photo shoot with Marika (Photosmiths.ca) '08
Photo shoot with Chelsey (Rice Photography) before we moved to our new home! '08
Zoë looking adorable in the same photo shoot! '08
Family Photo! *L* Same shoot! '08
Zoë (& Emma) was hanging out at Chelsey's one day while I was at a meeting...
...Beautiful, no??!! '08
At a bathroom break on our way to Cardston July 1st Long Weekend. Zoë & Emma found a tire swing somehow! *L* '08
Zoë & Mommy at Auntie Colleen and uncle Ryan's Wedding reception! '08
As you can see.... I've posted 30 of hundreds! *L*
I love my Zoë Monster! And I look forward to seeing her grow into a Preschooler! I love to watch her figure things out and see the surprise and then thrill come over her face! I also love to sneek in before my bedtime every night to catch a glimpse of her sleeping so peacefully!
Happy 3rd Birthday Zoë!
With Much Love,
Mommy, Daddy and Emma!
(And Olive & Shadow!)


Sarah said...

EEEK!!! I can't believe she's 3!!! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was at the hospital, watching through the window, and saw the foreceps come out!! haha! ;-)


JessLikesStuff said...

Awww gorgeous photos! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!!!! She really looks like a 'little girl' now instead of a baby...ADORABLE!!!

can't wait to see photos of her 3rd birthday party. What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

aw man... mista you have such a lovely family. i know i've said it many times before, but it's really true. and i can't believe she's three! it seems like only yesterday you told me you were pregnant on msn!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!!! your auntie heather loves you!