I don't think I have been to our mailbox (we have the group boxes not one at your door) so many times in one day in a really long time....
The hopes, the daydream of what could be there... Maybe a key from the Post Office allowing me to check the 'parcel' box..... Or maybe a tag saying there was something, anything, at the Post Office.....
Maybe something as simple as a hand written post-it that said 'Happy Valentine's Day" or "Love You".... Maybe something from a faraway friend who had some extra time on their hands...
Maybe a surprise gift from someone close...
Heck, I'd take a 'Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to book your next teeth cleaning!' from the dentist....
Yes, I'm THAT desperate!
But all I got was a couple of bills and a few flyer's.
Then I clung to the hope that the girls would bring me back something handmade from school... A sweet little Valentine or maybe a craft they had made in class... Painstakingly making sure that every flick of glitter was in the right spot.... Or that all macaroni was still magically attached...
Not all is lost though... I did receive a text this morning from my Hubby that read, "Happy v day!!!" then went on to explain how tired he was (from being out at the Finger 11 concert the night before of course! *L*)...
Happy Valentine's All.... Hope you received a little bit of 'not-everyday-typical-form-of-showing-love' from someone that is special to you!